Private investors
Private investors look to us for closed-end (AIF) mutual funds invested in material assets. Material assets are not virtual investment products but tangible investments. Real estate, solar parks or aircraft are all material assets you know from your daily life.
Our AIF mutual funds are regulated products. This means that our investments for private investors are subject to the German Capital Investment Code (KAGB), which the legislature has issued for the protection of small and private investors. AIF mutual funds are part of the so-called white capital market.
Through AIF mutual funds private investors receive access to large investment projects that otherwise only professional investors have.
As with all of our products, we place emphasis on quality and not quantity with our AIF mutual funds. Good performance for us means not only investment success, but above all investor satisfaction. For this reason you benefit with LHI AIF mutual funds, not only from a balanced risk/return profile, but also from our experienced asset and fund management and professional investor service for the entire duration of your investment.
We inform LHI investors of the current state of the investment for the entire duration of the fund: You will receive information on the performance of the fund, tax results, distributions, resolutions and special operating expenses. You receive all information that is important to you, because we clearly and comprehensibly communicate with you. Just as it should be in a good partnership.

Track record
approx. 1.4 billion €
Equity placed in LHI mutual funds
Number of investors
Number of LHI mutual funds
approx. 2.2 billion €
Fund volume
Closed publicly-offered AIF are a form of long-term joint investments in material assets (e.g. real estate, aircraft or renewable energies).
Yes, closed publicly-offered AIF are regulated products. For these, provisions of the German Investment Code (KAGB) have been in force since July 22, 2013.
For example with closed publicly-offered AIF, investors participate in the management of a property by the income generated from letting. In addition, sales proceeds are distributed regularly to the investors after deducting the liabilities of the investment fund after the sale of the properties.